Measuring tools

Plus12 gauge for easy measurement of shoes and feet.

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gauge plus 12
Plus 12 measuring device
In stock (>15 pc)

What is the purpose of the Plus12 meter?

You can use the Plus12 meter for:

  • Verification of the inner length of your shoes
  • Measuring the exact length of the foot
  • Automatic calculation of the appropriate oversize

How to measure with the Plus12 meter?

The Plus12 gauge is based on the basic assumption that the optimum oversize in the shoe is 12 mm. The gauge measures and shows the distance of its outer edges (blue stops to red tips). At the moment you measure the foot (inside the gauge), you have to subtract that 12 mm (the plastic of the gauge) for the actual length of the foot. The exact measuring procedure is given below:

Foot measurement

Procedure for measuring the leg with the Plus12 gauge:

  1. Stand with your foot in the gauge, your heel should be against the blue stop.
  2. Point your thumb (longest finger) at the red tip of the gauge, pulling it so that the inner edge of the gauge is flush with the tip of your finger.
  3. At the top of the gauge (where the meter comes out of the blue part), read the measured distance (in mm).
  4. From the value obtained, remove the 12 mm that the Plus12 gauge adds automatically (due to oversize in the shoe) to get the actual length of the foot.
  5. Use the measurement before the 12 mm subtraction to find the shoe's inside length. The gauge adds the optimum oversize in the shoe for you.

Shoe measurement

The procedure for measuring the shoe with the Plus12 gauge:

  1. Insert the gauge into the middle of the shoe, resting the blue stop in the heel.
  2. Pull out the red tip of the gauge (you can pull on the other end) until it hits the inside toe of the shoe (gently, without much pressure, so you don't bend the gauge).
  3. Read the inside length of the shoe (in mm) at the top of the gauge (where the meter comes out of the blue part).
  4. The measured value indicates the actual inside length of the shoe, which is shown in the size tables.

Optimal oversize

While the Plus12 gauge (and its name) defines the optimal oversize for adding to the length of the foot at 12 mm, expert sources differ on the length of the optimal oversize. We recommend calculating with this free space in the shoe:

  • first shoes, infant shoes (5-9 mm)
  • closed shoes (10-12 mm children, 5-7 mm adults)
  • open sandals (6-8 mm children, 4-6 mm adults)
  • winter and outdoor boots (12-15 mm children, 7-10 mm adults)

Filter shoes by inner shoe length

Since manufacturers often differ in the numbering of shoe sizes, we recommend that you filter the shoes on the e-shop rather by the desired inner length of the shoe:

  1. Measure your foot and add the oversize (the Plus12 gauge does both steps at once)
  2. Enter a range of approximately +/- 3 mm in the inner shoe length filter so that you are not limited in your selection
  3. If you have different left and right foot lengths, enter the larger foot in the filters

Example of foot measurement: the Plus12 gauge reads 219 mm (207 mm length of a child's foot + 12 mm oversize), which is the optimum internal shoe length. However, you enter a range of 216-222 mm in the filter on the e-shop to display more suitable results.