Barefoot Academy, Page 2

Barefoot Shoes for the Elderly

We understand that older people may have concerns about barefoot shoes, so in today's article for al...

Toes as Body Support

The toes resemble the roots of a tree, so the more they spread out, the more stable support they pro...

How Fast Do Children’s Feet Grow?

The speed at which children grow up defies the laws of time. However, their development raises seve...

The Valgus Ankle

Don’t worry, „valgus“ is not a swear word because it means „inwardly deviated from the normal positi...

Are There Shoes for Everybody?

Certainly not, and if anyone tells you otherwise, there are making it up. Every foot is different. I...

Natural Foot Development from A to Z

How to achieve healthy foot development from the first months until death? We have prepared an overv...

Are Barefoot Shoes Suitable for Children’s Feet?

Are barefoot shoes good for children? Yes! We would even say definitely! They are appropriate for g...

4 Simple Foot Exercises

Let’s strengthen the toes together, whose active use is essential for proper walking. We have prepa...

How to walk correctly

Young children would walk correctly naturally if we didn’t spoil their habits with inappropriate foo...

When to Give the Baby the First Shoes?

Do your children always try really hard to take off their shoes right after you put them on? So it m...

Good Shoes or Bad Shoes?

Let's take a short test together (but don’t worry, we won’t grade you). We will anonymously introduc...

We Debunk the 10 Biggest Barefoot Myths!

Boo, boo, barefoot! Your loved ones, unknown „experts“ in internet discussions, and other more or le...

First Barefoot Shoe Purchase?

How to start with barefoot shoes? It all starts with a thought. Just by opening this text, you prov...

Thick vs. thin sole

Can you imagine losing your eyesight? Or hearing? It would probably have a significant impact on you...

Why are barefoot shoes wide?

Will you let the shape of a shoe deform your foot, or do you prefer a shoe that respects your natura...

Flat soles vs. heeled shoes

Honestly, you're going downhill! And we mean that literally. At least if you wear high heels, boots,...