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German brand bringing stylish kid's sneakers and insulated shoes, in collections with designer backpacks and accessories.

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EU size

Inner shoe length

145 mm 210 mm

Inner shoe width

58 mm 72 mm

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Affenzahn logo

Get to know the brand Affenzahn

German brand selling playful children's backpacks, accessories and barefoot shoes for kids. The motivation behind the brand was to minimize health problems from a young age. Affenzahn translates to "Monkey's Tooth", which describes the playfulness of their products, which form complete collections so the child always has their animal friend with them. Affenzahn products are produced with an emphasis on sustainable production and social responsibility.

Why to choose Affenzahn?

  • They have unique playful design.
  • TOP quality products and attention to detail in function and appearance. Explore the imaginative box, their helpful package inserts, safety reflective elements, drawings on the sole, help with differentiating left and right shoes and similar tweaks.
  • The shoes will fit kids with narrower feet and delight with 100% barefoot parameters.
  • A wide range of shoe types from first steps - indoor shoes, full leather barefoots, sneakers, as well as membrane outdoor or winter snow boots.

References from customers

"We have the fifth one at home, which means 100% satisfaction. I love the look and the durability - the winter ones always stay dry, the spring ones are practically breathable and if they were made for adults, I'd wear them too :-) Because details matter..."